Zebra Weather Privacy Policy

Why do we process your personal data?

The purposes of processing personal data can be summarized as those inherent in the normal management of company services and activities. These purposes should depend on the type of relationship with the company (user, customer, employee, partner, collaborator, supplier):


Internal management.

Economic, financial and accounting management.

human resource Management.

service management.

Administration and commercial promotion, including customer service actions, newsletters and promotions.

customer service.

Communication management (website, social media, etc.).

Video surveillance (in company facilities).

Other purposes inherent in corporate activities, services and purposes.

Based on the information provided, we can develop a commercial profile to improve your user profile and personalize offers and communications that we think will be of interest to you.


If the reason for contacting the company and sending information about yourself is that you are looking for a job (send a resume, etc.). The data provided will be processed to assess your eligibility for a job offer from the company. If the company is interested in the data provided, a dossier should be drawn up and filed for human resource management.


What kind of data do we process?

Information you provide:

Receive more information by sending us an email or filling out the inquiry form: for example, you can send us a question and we will use your email address to answer it.

By sending comments, comments on photos or videos: For example, you can send us photos of weather events you may have witnessed and we may post them on the Services so that other users can enjoy them.

By reporting climate or other conditions: For example, you might tell us that your area is cold or rainy.

By interacting with interactive advertisements: We receive information from you when you send verbal or written questions or comments through interactive advertisements placed on the Services or on third-party platforms; we may share this information with our advertising partners.

By customizing the service: For example, you can set a starting location so that the weather at that location is automatically displayed every time the service is started.

Information Collected Automatically:

Information about your device and its capabilities.

Information about your device's operating system.

Information about your browser.

Information on how to use the Services.

Your Activities on the Services.

IP address.

Advertising identifier.

Mobile or Internet provider.

browser type.

Browser identifier.

Reference URL.

This information helps us understand, analyze, and measure how users use the Services; manage the operation of the Services; serve advertisements and measure their effectiveness; diagnose problems, identify returning visitors; and provide you with access to and use of the Services.


Location information:

We and our service providers, as well as our advertising and analytics partners, may collect location information through the Services.


We collect location information to provide you with location-based services (such as severe weather alerts and other relevant information using our mobile applications), to provide you with advertisements relevant to your geographic location, and for analytics to improve our services. How we collect information about location and the type of location information we collect depends on the devices used to access the Services and the settings on those devices.


Advertising partners and other third parties involved:

You may obtain information about you or your use of the Services through our suppliers and other third parties, such as our analytics providers or other advertisers, if those third parties have a legal basis to share such information. We may combine information you provide to us and information collected automatically with information from public or third-party sources. If you access the Services through social media and other third-party platforms, you authorize us to collect, store and use such information and content in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If we combine or associate information from other sources with Personal Data we collect through the Services, the combined information will be treated in the same way as Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Your Rights under the GDPR

The Company undertakes to respect the confidentiality of Your Personal Data and to guarantee You can exercise Your rights.


You have the right under this Privacy Policy, and by law if You are within the EU, to:


Request access to Your Personal Data. The right to access, update or delete the information We have on You. Whenever made possible, you can access, update or request deletion of Your Personal Data directly within Your account settings section. If you are unable to perform these actions yourself, please contact Us to assist You. This also enables You to receive a copy of the Personal Data We hold about You.

Request correction of the Personal Data that We hold about You. You have the right to to have any incomplete or inaccurate information We hold about You corrected.

Object to processing of Your Personal Data. This right exists where We are relying on a legitimate interest as the legal basis for Our processing and there is something about Your particular situation, which makes You want to object to our processing of Your Personal Data on this ground. You also have the right to object where We are processing Your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes.

Request erasure of Your Personal Data. You have the right to ask Us to delete or remove Personal Data when there is no good reason for Us to continue processing it.

Request the transfer of Your Personal Data. We will provide to You, or to a third-party You have chosen, Your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format. Please note that this right only applies to automated information which You initially provided consent for Us to use or where We used the information to perform a contract with You.

Withdraw Your consent. You have the right to withdraw Your consent on using your Personal Data. If You withdraw Your consent, We may not be able to provide You with access to certain specific functionalities of the Service.


Exercising of Your GDPR Data Protection Rights

You may exercise Your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by contacting Us. Please note that we may ask You to verify Your identity before responding to such requests. If You make a request, We will try our best to respond to You as soon as possible.


You have the right to complain to a Data Protection Authority about Our collection and use of Your Personal Data. For more information, if You are in the European Economic Area (EEA), please contact Your local data protection authority in the EEA.


Mobile Devices

Your mobile device may give you the ability to opt out of the use of information about the apps you use in order to serve you ads that are targeted to your interests:


"Opt out of Interest-Based Ads" or "Opt out of Ads Personalization" on Android devices

"Limit Ad Tracking" on iOS devices

You can also stop the collection of location information from Your mobile device by changing the preferences on your mobile device.


Data Security

The company takes the necessary technical and organizational measures in its information systems to guarantee adequate confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information we process. However, to the extent permitted by law, we do not accept any liability for damage caused by interference that third parties may cause with our information systems. Any breach of security should be reported immediately to the appropriate authorities and/or law enforcement agencies.


This Privacy Policy was amended on July 10, 2023, so revisions may occur before the text is next reviewed.